Friday, January 18, 2013

A Quick Update by Eric

Good evening world! Or rather the part of the world that read this blog. Since a couple days ago, there are some things that have passed in my life. A lot of it has been standard jobs at work. I've been working on finishing up some work on a 25 ft boat and a 36 ft boat and will soon be working on a 24 foot boat. I got approval to get some screenshots of the 24 ft boat design and put them up, but I haven't gotten them yet. Once i do, however, i will post it on this blog.

The sun finally peeked out of the clouds yesterday or the day before, I cant remember, and then the clouds dissappeared. It has been gorgeous here lately. Below is a photo of the sunrise as I see from my desk just before seven AM.

 Since the sun has peeked out, the days have been gorgeous with no clouds in the sky. I am enjoying it immensely down here.

Well my weekend is starting and i have had a long day so i am going to sign off. I know its not much but I hope these photos will sate your appetite.

One half of the cubicle that i work in all day. I am at the laptop on the let.

The other half of the cubicle. Its a bit cramped when filled, but not too shabby.

One of the RB-S (Response Boat-Small) that is being produced by Metal Shark Boats

An HSMST Boat that is made autonomous and used to tow targets for the military

One of the 38 ft Defiant models that is waterjet propulsed and is heading to Bangladesh

A little 18ft boat for which I do not know its use

A small Coast Guard vessel with push knees in the front.

Connor Bennet working in Solid Works and AutoCAD next to me

This is an RB-S that is going out for delivery to California that left this morning at six AM

Well, it has been fun talking to y'all again.
Logging off,

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